We offer engaging and personalized online video tutoring. Our online tutoring uses an interactive whiteboard, shared documents and live video streaming.
At Lights On Tutoring, we bring high quality 1-on-1 tutoring to students via online platforms. Our online tutoring:
Is personalized to each student’s needs
Allows for 1-on-1, partner or small group tutoring in all subject areas
Gives access to a shared whiteboard for clear modeling of problems
Shares important documents between student and tutor on the screen (including the student’s homework, when needed)
Allows students to save notes created during the tutoring session
Has clear video images and communication during the entire session
Is engaging to students
We apply best teaching strategies to our online tutoring sessions. Through our online tutoring, we are able to:
Connect with students to provide a safe learning environment
Make the subject area content interesting and motivating
Adapt lesson pacing to best fit each student’s needs
Help students complete homework assignments
Prepare students for quizzes and tests
Our tutoring strategies optimize learning, build student confidence and ultimately lead to classroom success.
Please see our FAQ page for more general information about our tutoring sessions.